
Modern Education Society's

Centre for Talent Search & Excellence

Maharashtra Talent Search Examination

Merit list of MTSE Std. VIII, Std. IX and Std. X will be prepared at two levels (a) State level merit list (b) District level merit list.
All the students appearing for MTSE Std. VIII, Std. IX and Std. X will receive their results at their respective schools by the end of June. The complete result of all the students appearing for the examination will also be available on this website.
Prize Distribution :
The selected students from the State Level Merit List of Std. VIII, IX & X will be awarded their prizes in the Prize Distribution Ceremony. This function will be held at N. Wadia College, Pune in the month of July.
In this function the State level Prizes will be awarded to the selected top Students in standard VIII, IX & X.
Interviews :
  1. The students of Std. X will be selected for the interview on the basis of their performance in the written examination. The interview will be conducted at N. Wadia College, Pune. The interviews might be arranged at other places for the convenience of the students. The students will have to attend the interview at their own cost.
  2. The interviews of the selected students of Std. X will be conducted between 25th May to 5th June. The schedule of the interview will be communicated to the students at their residential address and to their schools. The letters of interview will be posted between 15th and 20th May. The List of students selected for Interview will also be available on this website.