
Modern Education Society's

Centre for Talent Search & Excellence

Maharashtra Talent Search Examination


Why Maharashtra Talent Search Examination Started?

The existing school curriculum and the examination system are unable to identify and motivate the talented students. It is, therefore, as a national and social binding, the Centre for Talent Search and Excellence, N. Wadia College, Pune has undertaken the search of Talented Students through "Maharashtra Talent Search Examination" since 1992.

Aims of M.T.S.E.

  1. To Search the talented students.
  2. To equip the students for NTS (std.X) and other competitive examinations in future.
  3. To encourage the students to appear for various competitive examinations and to create an urge and ambition to succeed in each examination from an early age.
  4. To honor and encourage the selected students by awarding scholarships and prizes.