
Modern Education Society's

Centre for Talent Search & Excellence

Maharashtra Talent Search Examination

Pattern of Question Paper :

There will be two written papers for all standards and will be conducted on the same day for three hours without any recess between.
The questions for the written examination will be of multiple choice type. Four alternative answers will be provided for each question and the student has to select the appropriate answer.
From last year examination pattern is changed....


Paper No. 1 Mental Ability Test
100 Questions, 100 Marks
Time : 90 min.
Paper No. 2 Scholastic Aptitude Test
Science(Physics, Chemistry, Biology) 40 Questions, 40 Marks
Social Science(History, Geography, Civics, Economics) 40 Questions, 40 Marks
Mathematics(Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic) 20 Questions, 20 Marks Total 100 Questions, 100 Marks
Time : 90 min.
Interview Interview only for STD X.
50 Marks

No interview for Std. VIII & IX.
For MTS Examination student will be provided with a single question paper having both the sections i.e. MAT and SAT and he will have to attempt these 200 questions in 3 hrs. i.e. 180 mins.
While in NTS Examination at standard X two separate papers for each section will be provided and students will have to attempt 100 questions from each section in 1.5 hrs. i.e. 90 mins.