
Modern Education Society's

Centre for Talent Search & Excellence

Maharashtra Talent Search Examination

  1. All students studying in std. VIII, IX and X in Govt. recognized schools. Appearing for MTSE has proved to be useful as a preparation for NTS Examination. Majority of MTSE Scholars have succeeded in NTS Examination. However, appearing for MTSE is not a prerequisite for NTSE.
  2. For appearing at MTSE std. IX, it is not compulsory to have appeared at MTSE std VIII.
  3. For appearing at MTSE std. X it is not compulsory to have appeared at MTSE std.VIII & IX.

Appearing for MTS Examination has proved to be useful as a preparation for National Talent Search Examination. Majority of MTSE Scholars have come out with flying colours at the NTS Examination.