
Modern Education Society's

Centre for Talent Search & Excellence

Maharashtra Talent Search Examination

Getting Application Forms by - Post
If forms are required by post for an individual student, then a DD or MO of Rs.250/- per student should be sent to MTS office. The DD should be drawn in the name of Hon. Director, MTS Examination, Pune and payable at Pune.
The address of MTS office is -

Maharashtra Talent Search Examination

Centre For Talent Search & Excellence,
N. Wadia College Campus,
Pune - 411001
Ph. 9403403021
It is essential to communicate the Name, Address and Standard in which the student is studying to the MTS office while demanding the forms.
The payment should be made either by MO or DD. Cheques will not be accepted.
All the students appearing for MTS examination should strictly abide by the Rule of MTS Examination.